Keeping Busy

While these strange times may seem long and arduous, perhaps even mundane, nearing monotonous and boring, it could be easy to fall into a slump with a lack of purpose and drive. Here at 1st Option we’ve put together our list of our favourite films and books that might help you while those hours away.

Working From Home – We’re Still Obsessed with Interiors…

In these uncertain times it’s important to remain as positive as we can and most importantly take the necessary precautions to stay safe.
It’s a difficult time for all industries and individuals right now, and we just want everyone to know here at 1st Option we are taking this situation extremely seriously, and doing our upmost to follow the government’s advice.

In Conversation with Lucy Kemp of Minton House

This month we were lucky enough to catch up with Lucy, the owner of our marvellous property Minton House. We spoke all about the renovation that she and her partner Dan designed to create what we now see today. The results truly are spectacular! I’ve seen your transformation pictures and it’s truly remarkable! What made …