Top Tips – Decorating Do’s and Don’ts

Decorating a property to the specific needs of your shoot can help transform it into something eye-catching, spectacular and completely unforgettable. Many location owners allow painting and decorating, however, there are some rules that must be adhered to before jumping in hammer and tongs!

Top Tips – Interior Photography and the Difference Between Professional Photography and Doing it Yourself

Interior photography is a complicated subject that does, if done well, require a variety of skills. When trying to show off the relevant features that set apart your property from the next, like room size, period features and the amount of natural light it possesses, merely using a smartphone camera is probably not going to …

Top Tips – What to Expect When Registering with a Location Agency

Registering your property with a Location Agency can be an incredibly thrilling, exciting and rewarding process, mentally as well as financially. However, before you get into the rigmarole you should go in with your eyes open knowing exactly what to expect, which should help to make the whole process as seamless as possible. It’s also important to bear in mind that 1st Option have incredibly high standards when it comes to arranging shoots for clients, so before deciding whether or not to register check out our top tips to ensure you’ll be able to keep these standards with us.

Top Tips – What we Look for When Taking on a New Property

We always get asked what separates a shoot location from a regular property, what exactly is it you look for when taking on new locations? despite their not being a short answer if you are thinking of registering your property but have been unsure what companies might be looking for, then read on as we share our insights and break it down for you.