Top Five for December

Following on from November, in the same vein as the rest of this eventful year we have been privileged enough to take on another wealth of remarkable shoot locations. This month we have registered locations ranging from large, studio spaces and striking family homes to grand manor houses and unique penthouse apartments.

In the Spotlight: Biophilic Design

If we look at interior design as a concept that begins with human experience, taking into consideration the emotional, physical and mental needs of people, then it is a human-centred reflection of how we live today. Since today we are taking new approaches to the promotion of health, welfare and sustainable living it is intuitive to see and understand why biophilia has become such an influential and popular trend in interior design.

In the Spotlight: Grandmillennial Style

Grandmillennial or ‘Granny Chic’ style may be a new concept to many above the age of 40, however, thanks to the ever cyclical nature of trends plus Instagram’s ability to show you the same monotonous things over and over again, many millennials in their 20’s and early 30’s have dipped into their grandparents living rooms for inspiration and created a new interior design style that has taken the world by storm, Grandmillennial style.

In the Spotlight: Scandinavian Interior Design

Typified by its use of muted colour palettes, wooden floors and furnishings, minimalism and a clutter free aesthetic, Scandinavian design has been at the forefront of interior design for many years now. While the style came to worldwide prominence in the 1950’s and then again in the 90’s, its causation goes a long way back and is steeped in history.

In the Spotlight: Industrial Design

It’s no secret that 2020 has thrown the rule book out the window on almost every aspect of life and society. And, while we haven’t seen a complete upheaval of ideas in the world of interior design, there has been a shift in focus. So check out this weeks interior design trend that we put into the spotlight, Industrial Design.

Unique Spaces

Although traditional locations can and do often fit the shoot brief perfectly, there is sometimes a place and time for something a little more unusual. Fortunately, working in London, one of the most diverse creative hubs in the world, we are lucky enough to be able to represent some of the most interesting and quirky locations the capital has to offer. So sit back and check out our top 5 unique spaces.

Scintillating Swimming Pools – 5 of the Best

With summer slowly leaving us for yet another year, the last couple of weeks of sunshine have left us dreaming of a few more weeks of sun before the long winter inevitably takes hold. Because of this, it got us looking back at our properties that feature swimming pools, hoping for one last day to be able to use them. So while its still relatively hot lets check out our top 5

Top Tips – Interior Photography and the Difference Between Professional Photography and Doing it Yourself

Interior photography is a complicated subject that does, if done well, require a variety of skills. When trying to show off the relevant features that set apart your property from the next, like room size, period features and the amount of natural light it possesses, merely using a smartphone camera is probably not going to …

9 Interior Stylists You Should Already be Following

Whether your taste leans more towards minimalism with crisp colour tones and clean lines or a bold aesthetic utilising colour, patterns and texture, you’re sure to find a style that inspires you here. Sit back and take a look at 10 amazing interior stylists and creatives that you should already be following.

5 Home Decor Instagram accounts you should already be following!

With the majority of the world currently bound between the four walls of their own home, it’s easy to pick apart features that you perhaps have had issues with for many years, however, haven’t had the time to scrupulously inspect. If you are struggling to find that needed inspiration, then worry no more, as we have collated some of the best home decor and interior design accounts Instagram has to offer.